Showing posts with label grapes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grapes. Show all posts

Friday, November 30, 2012

should probably be studying instead...

First attempts at using US30 knitting needles. 

I bought the needles from Jones & Vandermeer. Shipped very quick. 

They're super clumsy to work with at first 
but the rows go by quick and it looks awesome. 

Also, here are some adorable cupcakes I made. 

regular yellow cake
 from the package

vanilla pudding 
squeezed out of a ziplock bag 
into a small hole in the top of the cupcake

*make sure the cupcakes are fully cooled before frosting them*

dark chocolate fudge frosting 
squeezed out of a ziplock with the 
corner cut off to get the swirly effect
start the frosting swirl from the outside of the cupcake and circle in to the middle

maraschino cherry 
on top


These are the Mini Caramel "Apples" I made for our Noel Night party tomorrow night. Got the idea from Pinterest.