Showing posts with label maker faire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label maker faire. Show all posts

Monday, August 2, 2010

Maker Faire Detroit

There were some phenomenal artists at Maker Faire yesterday.
I just showed up to support them and help at
the sales table but I was inspired.
Can't wait to get our studio up and running.

Check this girl out. Pattern's by Figgys.
She designs and sells her own original children's clothing sewing patterns.

Here is a cute shelf I actually found in our basement. Cleaned out the cobwebs and voila. Perfect for the bathroom.

This is why I peruse the Anthropologie sale
tables a couple times a month.
These drawer knobs were $1-2 each. Usually $6-8 each.
Love them. Especially mismatched.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

little here, little there, mostly there but completely here

You should come check out the Maker Faire at The Henry Ford. 7/31-8/1. I'll be at the Handmade Detroit table. Come visit.

Read this article about the Handmade Detroit girls.

This is an interesting wedding shot my sister Courtney did.
It has grown on me really fast.

Here's a link to my other sister's (Lindsay) blog.

I want to eat this right now.

I am trying to make it to this conference in September. It's all about restoring under-resourced communities through being a good neighbor. Come with me?

Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins

and will raise up the age-old foundations;
you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls,

Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.

I just put in my first attempt at
planning a house show
for our new place.

I emailed Rosie Thomas!
Will keep you posted.

10/3/12 update: never heard back :(

House update! We can move in tomorrow afternoon. A couple of us will be hiking so it will be more like Monday/Tuesday. If you have big muscles or a truck and want to hang out with fun girls please help us move. You won't regret it!

I think I have settled on light gray for the first floor. My inspiration!